Chagall childhood

Chagall birthday - july 7, 1887.
Marc Chagall's photo 1909
Marc Chagall
Moishe Segal (Marc Chagall) was born in Vitebsk, in a simple jewish family. His father Zechariah was a porter at the dealer herring, mother Feiga-Ita keep a small shop and grandfather served as a teacher and cantor in the synagogue.
In childhood, Moishe attended primary jewish religious school, then – the high school, despite the fact that the children of jews in tsarist Russia were forbidden to study in secular schools.
At the age of nineteen years, despite the categorical protests father, but through the influence of the mother, Moishe went to study in private "School of painting and drawing of artist Pang". He studied at the school for only two months, but it was the beginning. Bold beginning. Pang was so impressed by his work with bold color, which allowed he to attend school for free.

Moshe was the oldest of nine children and all the household, as well as neighbors and merchants and ordinary men were then his models. Wooden houses, onions churches, grocery mother Jewish commandments, customs and holidays - this simple and difficult, but such a "thorough" life forever joined in the heart of a boy and his native Vitebsk images will repeat continuously in art Chagall.

In the next stage of Chagall biography " Chagall Paris " describes about moving to St. Petersburg and Paris

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